Sample Language for Your Will or Trust
“I give to Nurse-Family Partnership, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 1900 Grant St., 4th Floor, Denver, CO 80203, or its successor thereto, ______________* [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
Please note: The policies of Nurse-Family Partnership do not allow Nurse-Family Partnership or its representatives to serve as personal representative, executor, trustee or witness for a will or trust.
Useful Legal Information
Legal name: Nurse-Family Partnership
Address: 1900 Grant St., 4th Floor, Denver, CO 80203
Federal Tax ID number: 20-0234163
Your Giving Toolkit
Gifts from Donor-Advised Funds
Sample Language for Your Will or Trust
Sample Beneficiary Designation
Sample Codicil
For Trustees and Advisors
I'm here to help
Kelsey DeForest
Philanthropy Officer
Nurse-Family Partnership
(347) 977-0865